Welcome to Ridin For The Brand Cowboy Church

At Ridin' for the Brand Cowboy Church, we’re focused on helping people who don't usually go to church to connect with Jesus, giving them a place where they can grow spiritually. We value keeping things simple, accepting people just as they are, honoring the western heritage tradition, living by the Bible, and making sure that all people can easily understand Jesus's message. We want to help our community use their unique talents in ways that honor God, firmly believing that the message of Jesus can change lives.

We’re all about being completely devoted to what Jesus taught. We're proud to be a close family united by our belief and our love for the cowboy way of life, aiming to share God’s love not just in North Texas but everywhere. We welcome everyone to join our family, to grow in their faith with us, and to show our beliefs by how we act and our love for each other.

The Cowboy's Code helps guide us how to live every day, blending the cowboy culture with our deep faith. This Code calls for us to be honest, respectful, upright, kind, hard-working, accepting, loyal, patriotic, to look after ourselves, and to never waver in our faith. It's about showing God's love and truth in everything we do, and really making a difference in our world.